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Why is Mommy walking like that?

Today is going to have to be a stretching/pilates/bathtub day. My kids were looking at me sideways with curiousty as hobled down the stairs to go to work this morning, moaning and drooling with pain. I may have overdone it, but I think some of you will agree that there ain't nothin' better than some good ol' exercise pain! Although that steep hill didn't even kiss me let alone hold my hand as it took advantage of me all the way up to the top (you know I wanted to write something way dirtier there but I'll keep it 'PG').
I want to reflect a little more on my run yesterday because a lot of different emotions and ideas came up for me. Funny, how when the going gets tough my mind gets going. I mean gooooing. I can't shut it off! When I start feeling myself slowing down I start a bit of a choo-choo train chant. It started out as "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this" but it wasn't doing anything for me. I think we know that there is a huge difference in encouragement effectiveness between clapping for yourself and having someone else clap for you. So I changed "I" to "You" so it was external now. "You can do this, You can do this" and found myself saying back to...myself, "Yes I can, Yes I can, yes I can!" In a strange way it registered to my will power as someone else urging me on. That (amazingly) stemmed into all kinds of "You can do this!" type thoughts, parenting, being a better partner and entrepreneur.
Running allows me do some much needed 'thought weeding'. Oh I like that thought! Or no, I don't much like that thought. It's also forced quiet time for me, which is as you know is hard for this Chatty-Kathy (ya ya that's an understatement)!
I noticed on the drive to work this morning when I passed someone running I wanted to throw my fist out the window and yell "RUNNERS UNITE!". Yesterday, I passed a man running on the other side of the road. Instead of the quaint smile you would perhaps give another person you walk past on the road there was a big proud united wave exchanged, like we were part of the same powerful team of people who forced themselves out the door to a powerful half and half runing mix of torture and energy high. Honestly, I almost reached out as we passed and mid-high-fived him like you do in the team line-up after a basketball game in grade school. Except there was no winner or loser here, just two people running for the greater good of health and sanity. To be continued...

My body was totally exhausted but my mind carried me home. Everything is a mind game.


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