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A fart with not laughter is like....well it's just not right.

Pre-Blog note: Someone farted at hot yoga tonight. No one laughed or even said a word. No one yelled out "oops" or "sorry" even! I mean I know yoga is a serious practice, and farts happen no one should be ashamed... but come on, it was a fart! We were created to fart so that we can laugh. It hurt me inside to let a fart-laugh moment go by. This may offend people who don't find farts funny...I feel sorry for you. Luckily we weren't in this position...

Before I begin, I'd like to say that I went in and bought new yoga/work out gear FINALLY. Just before class I went in to..dun dun dun...LULU LEMON. Ahhhh! Yes I did it, but I found something so perfect that it only took me 5 minutes and it was on sale! So win win. I felt so damn good I almost wore high heels into the class. I also may have strutted. Pants that I could pull up HIGH without a camel toe, to tuck in the twin-belly but so comfortably so the top wasn't rolling down over it the whole time, and shirt that not only covered my big boobs but was flowy from under the boobs to the bottom (lose fitting). Hallelujah! Check it out -
Sexy...I know, I was going for that effect.

Tonight was much more difficult for me, which was odd because I was feeling so perky and up for it. My balance seemed to be quite off and shaky. I realized though, what I really love about going - it's the unknown of how challenging it's going to be. Even though you could get into the poses a hundred times, you really don't know how your practice will go. There is so much affecting in! To further explain, it's like so many things in life for me - I love pushing just outside my comfort zone - making it even bigger and more bountiful! I love how just when you think the pose is going to go on forever, it ends and you are proud that you were able to hang on. Every little sense of accomplishment goes a long way. The poses can be so intense that all you do is focus on your body, and that is a nice break for the mind. I really don't think about anything other than my breathing and opening into each pose or posture. I really feel like I've been on an intergalactic journey when I leave the studio.It seems to be a gamble too, how you will feel when you leave. The last time I felt totally exhausted and couldn't even carry on a conversation I was that "zen-ified". Tonight, after calss I was quite excitable. Chatty you might say. Carly and Erin and I zen'd together and it was romantic. I don't often have hour long seriously focused or concentrated time with my friends - big shock I know. It was a really nice experience. I felt a nice new closeness with them.

This journey to wee-dom has brought me closer with a lot of amazing women in my life. The walks, runs, yoga etc. have been nothing short of miraculous quality sharing love time. I have realized the true importance of girlfriends and that female connectedness. No words can describe it. Even the emails and messages, posts and comments from everyone all over has given me such a sense of belonging. I am a woman and I LOVE IT. We are fantastically interesting creatures. With so much love and understanding. We are so united all of us, if we can just reach out and find that common ground, give a hug or make one another laugh. Even girls I went to school with but never really knew, or didn't take the time to get know have opened up to me. People I haven't heard from or talked to in YEARS. I love sharing in this with all of you, it's given me a new zest for life...and I want to thank you all for that.

P.S. If you can't post on please send me a message on facebook, and really I love getting your messages so keep sending!


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