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Plus size store's can put and egg in their boot and beat it

Sigh. I just got the mini's into bed and finally got a chance to sit down in my bath robe to write. I'm full, but a healthy happy kind of full. I'm proud to announce that my eating habits have been improving this week! I have to admit to something though - I have big motivation. Although it's only two and a half weeks away I am going to be sitting in the sun with some friends and I would love to feel proud to sit in my bathing-suit. Now, this means so many things. First, I don't anticipate nor do I want to lose some outlandish amount of weight in two weeks BUT I do want to feel good about my progress/body. Second, it would be nice while I'm away to be able to "stay on track" instead of figuring that I am already not "really" doing well so what's another few days of bad food. And last, I really needed a fire lit under my mom-ass. So there you have it.
Plus, I'm not really into this look...

I also have BIG news. I quick drinking coffee 4 days ago! I feel amazing. I wasn't a big coffee drinker (or so I thought) and then Sunday I woke up and realized that I was having a cup every morning and loving the "high"...for about two hours...and then CRASH. Imagine someone going down a steep hill in a shopping cart. All it would take is a little wee pebble and I'd be right off balance. I also was too dehydrated - thumbs way down to that. Now that I've been running I find that I need to be extra hydrated so it just made sense to kick the ol' liquid cocaine. It was hard the first three days but today I didn't even miss it. I had a "warrior milk" shake and got right on the water. No ups and downs, just smoooooth sailing all day long. I love it! It's really helping me on my mission of "getting back to me". I can take that straight jacket off lay-away.
I also bought some new shoes today. I am not at the point where I can buy new pants yet, but I think that some new shoes would help me feel sexy. Just because the pockets on my ass are climbing up my back does NOT mean I can't still be sexy. Plus, I take pride in having nice legs, and calves so I can wear a skirt and show off my assets. Everyone has beautiful parts about them we just may need lessons in how to highlight the good. My sister pointed out to me once that a bright multi-coloured shirt might not be highlighting my boobs really need. Point taken and I thank her for not letting me buy that shirt. I need some "clothing faux pas interventions" some times. I fall in love with things that just weren't made for my body.

I have also been thinking about how stores that sell athletic wear (or any women's clothing) should maybe have some models of every shape and size? Wouldn't it just make more sense for us to be looking at women that might have similar bodies to us - rather than being disappointed that we don't fit those pants the way the mannequin does? Come on people. Having "plus size" stores isn't really the solution anyone is looking for. So how do you really know when you are have graduated to the plus size store or section? Larges and extra larges don't fit? Well shoot, in some stores I don't fit the larges properly because they are made out of some pattern that was made to fit a lama and not a real human being or a curvy REAL BABY BUILDING body. So really, let's just make stores for everyone - and make the models or mannequin's look like EVERYBODY. Show me on the mannequin how a body like mine should wear it, and how to accent what I've got instead of trying to make a square fit into a round freaking hole.


  1. Grace! Good for you for cutting out the caffeine! An acronym to live by would be the following: if you are serious about your overall health, one needs to cut out thR C. R. A. P. (caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol, processed foods). Cleansing your body of all that is unnatural will allow u to perform at your ultimate capacity. Rice, potatoes, good. Veggies, fruit, good. Olive oil, safflow oil, good. Beans, nuts, fish, chicken, turkey, good. If you stick to this, I guarantee you'll see results. Keep at it lady, you're doing so great! Xo

  2. Grace you are so on point with the mannequin ideals! I also think mannequins should be short and stalky so that us little people know how to proportion our dress wear properly so as to not make us look or appear any shorter than we already are. I too have cut the caffine as best as possible, there are those days though and we just need the kick. Keep it up Grace and those goals will be reached!! Cheers.


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