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My inner Goddess has a Wedgie.

I had too much wine last night, so today I was a little "under the weather". I knew that if I didn't get my butt in gear and get some exercise the situation was sure to go from bad to worse. The old hangover rainy Sunday-itis is a slippery slope people, especially this time of year.
So as planned, I made my way to Oranj to Belly Fit Groove with Tamara Logan. Tamara's classes are AMAZEBALLS. Her energy is fierce. The best part about her is that you just immediately feel comfortable, like whoever you are is good enough - you don't need to pretend to be anyone else or try and fit in.  This is all really important in a class where you are going to stomp around, temple dance and occasionally raise the roof. In her class anything goes. It's one of those moments when you surrender your insecurities to your inner goddess slash child and let'er all hang out. I felt like a part of this tribe of women and my inhibitions slipped away. Sexy is not a word or characteristic I typically (or ever) would use to describe myself but I felt sexy, I did.
I felt so primal, raw and like I was expressing things I hid deep beneath the surface. It's fun to feel sexy by moving your body - the one you have right now, not the one you hope to have. The class, to me, is a celebration of what'cha got. The kind of sexy you get by moving your body is genuine. It's not about something you put on, but more about what you were able to take off or rid yourself of (fears, embarrassment, inhibitions).
So as I'm gettin' down and feeling all sexy and comfortable I can't, however, seem to ignore what was happening  in my pants and without much thought I announced to all 8 of the other participants "I have a front wedgie!"

Yep, I did.

Come along with me on the journey of my thought process.

First of all let me just add that a front wedgie can also be referred to as a "vedgie." You're welcome.
Second of all, I was having so much fun shimmying and shakin' what my momma gave me that my underwear had worked itself into areas it really shouldn't have been. I wanted to set things right down below but I didn't want to leave the class, and even worse I didn't want people to see me being fidgity with my vidgity. It was also a compliment to Tamara in a totally bizarre kinda way - because I was having so much fun letting myself go, that my underwear just followed .
Very appropriately but with a smile and without missing a beat, Tamara responded to my announcement "Awkwaaard!" Which it totally was. A couple people laughed I think because they had no other option but mostly I think the general consensus was TMI lady!
Now here comes the lesson, the growth opportunity.
I had a choice. I could beat myself up for the rest of the class for saying something "stupid", and therefore diminishing the wonderful experience I was having, OR I could laugh at myself and keep going.
I am overjoyed to say that I chose the latter.
I laughed hard for a few seconds at my unexpected outburst and then kept on temple dancing around the room. I know that saying this kind of thing out loud isn't necessary but you know what? Everyone gets them from time to time, plus sometimes awkward situations are fun.
Only in awkward situations are you totally unprepared for how you are going to react. There are no rules, there are no guidelines. You have to try and navigate through the unexpected feelings that come up. I could have given into the panic that resulted from the fact that I had just blurted out the most inappropriate thing ever, but I didn't. I just forgave myself for being wrapped up in a moment and carried on stomping and dancing.
The synchronistic part of all of this is that at the end of class as we held our hands to our heart centre, Tamara spoke about inner confidence. She said (not a direct quote) - it's not something anyone else can build up or take away from you, it's yours to experience.
I truly had and experience today with my own inner confidence. Even though the ladies in the class possibly were weirded out by my blurt of honesty, I still felt good about being me - and isn't that real confidence? To rise up in a situation that could potentially shake you down and steal your light, leaving you in the darkness of self pity/loathing. Opportunities to grow and be who you really want to be are not when everything is going smoothly. It's not on those days when you nail it, it's in those moments when you eff up. How do you chose to see yourself afterwards?
Even sexy tribal goddess' still get wedgies.


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