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Broken open.

This week has been an intense array of emotions for me. I have described this experience as shattering, earth quaking, ground moving and essentially breaking me open.
My heart sings to a higher octave now.
All of these pictures and stories have profoundly shifted me to a higher vibration and a whole lot closer to my authentic loving self. Each and every photo has meant something different to me. I would like to be able to feature every face sent to me in my blog - there is more to come but I would like to start there.

I would like to show you now a little sample of what I want to do with these pictures, with your permission of course. This will take patience as sorting and keeping track has proven harder than I thought. I also want this to keep the theme of real and honest. Please feel free to send me messages about what this has shifted for you. I want to hear from you!

There are so many purposes for this naked-face project but first is that I want to take the time to thank you all for what you each individually (no matter how well I know you or not) bring to my life and the lives of others.  I want to show you the beauty that perhaps you don't see in yourself.

One of the biggest pieces that I have noticed in this is that a lot of you didn't know how beautiful you are! Not only that but through conversations with some of you about what I see in you, and how wonderful it has been knowing you - most of you had no idea how much positive affect you have on me and others. I think the culprit is that often we are so focused on what we need to improve on both inside and out - that we forget all the loveliness that already exists in us. We don't tell each other enough about the positive effects we have on one another.

This first face I would like to feature, is the dazzling vivacious naked face of someone who came into my life 2 months ago. I knew of her before I got to know her, because it's hard to not hear the buzz around town about this lovely creature. She knows, to a degree, how she has been facilitating a transformation for me but I need to shout it from the blog-roof-tops.

Laura Martini.
Yoga instructor, cosmic journey guide extraordinaire. She moves me through internal earthquakes. Shows me my limitations, holds them up in my face and says "go deep". She guides me through the dark, brings me to my edge and shows me that although it's a strong scary sturdy and stubborn wall, it's moveable. She has held me a responsible and willing hostage for an hour at a time, creating space for me to understand that "sensation" has a message and it's not painful. When I get on my mat I know that I am not alone, I am never ever alone.
Laura has a natural ability when she speaks, to draw you into yourself. To heighten all your senses, and sharpen your ability to "notice".
And she makes me laugh - hard.
Somehow, each class she is able to reach into my heart, grab what's in there, dust the cobwebs off and hold it up in front of my face and say "remember this?". I never imagined that opening my hips would open my heart and what would explode from within.

Today I was able to move through a posture that I honestly couldn't even come close to doing last class. When I looked up at her she was beaming back at me as I mouthed the words "I did it!". She knew what new space was opening up for me right then and there. To say it was symbolic of an emotional limitation I was experiencing is an understatement...
We moved into pigeon (tastes like chicken), and I started to sob. When we settled into sivasana, Laura said "when we relax, the solutions to our problems will just come to us." I let go, surrendered and released and there it was - the answer to what I was going through today - was LOVE.  So simple yet so hard to see sometimes. We cannot truly love with any resentment in our hearts. The resentment I was holding was broken down when I pushed through my pose and opened up.

Please please get to know this woman. You can thank me later :)
Here is her site. Go now - but then come back and finish reading this. Even if you live far away from Kelowna, she offer global retreats!

The second face I want to honour today is the person who unknowingly had me at the right place at the right time. Often, as we journey through to a happier place in our lives, we don't look back to see the events or people that offered the right path to us. She had no idea and no conscious intention in changing my life I'm sure,  but I need her to know how much that morning on the dock changed my life. I need to thank her. I, and my family, will forever be grateful that you prompted this broken girl to find herself - through yoga and breaky on the dock. For that morning, I am infinitely grateful!

Jennifer Hawkins.
Thank you for finding the courage to send me this beautiful naked photo. You mean more to me than you know!

Please keep reading - through the next few months I will be featuring every single face shown to me and that's not all...

With gratitude and LOVE,



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