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How to hate laundry less.

Here's a little tale about laundry.
Well really it's not about laundry at all. It's about things becoming overwhelming.
I fucking hate laundry. Yeah I swore, I hate it that much.
I leave it and leave it and leave it...until I can't find matching socks. I hate it when socks don't match. Go figure...I would rather wear dirty underwear than go out with a mismatched pair of socks.
The things I reveal on this blog, I know!
So here's the thing. I let the laundry get so big that the table is completely boiling over with the splayed out arms and legs of clean wrinkly shirts and pants - basically the victims of a desperate state of helplessness wanting so badly to be folded and put away.
So today I decided to try something a little different.

Come along...

I decided to clear off my bed and then just transfer a wee bit at a time - all I could comfortably carry without trying to carry so much that things dropped to the floor as I walked. This reminded me of trying to carry all the grocery bags in nearly breaking your fingers and arms off in order to save yourself a trip? Uh huh....
So I took little piles. I dropped them on my bed and I turned on some stand up comedy and began to fold. All I said to myself was - just fold this little amount. Totally achievable and I didn't feel pressured to get more done than I a) wanted to or b) could possibly do.

Within 3-5 mins that small pile was gone so I went back for another one. I got into a rhythm and it was now up to me, it was my choice. Once I completed the task I decided to do, I got to choose - no one, (not even me) was forcing this upon me. It was a little piece of laundry freedom and we all know what laundry prison is like...don't drop the soap! (What?!?)

So I could go into how symbolic this was for me in my life, but this time (just this one time) I will spare you and let you fill in the blanks about how we do this with almost everything - put it off, let it build, mutate it into something scary and then not only does it seem like a bigger huger job than it actually is.

So here are my tips for enjoying (as much has humanly possible) doing laundry or even any type of cleaning because quite frankly cleaning is the bane of my existence and typically my house looks like a designer warehouse sale after 100 women have been in it.

1. UnExpected - Crush, stomp or burn your HUGE expectations. When you set out to do laundry don't say to yourself "I'm going to do alllll the laundry in this whole universe and then I'm going to fold it and put it away in it's rightful place and then my family will come home and parade me over their heads on a chair like it's a bar-mitzvah.

2. Break it Down - for example, just focus on one load. Decide what you need most ie. underwear, socks, pants for work - start there and stop there for now. Next part, fold, next part put away. Thinking of it separately as individual tasks a) wash b) dry c) take form dryer to surface d) fold on surface e) put away. This way it becomes bite size instead of just eating the whole damn steak in one bite. No one wants to do that, gross.
*I often think, I can't get started because I don't have enough hours to get it all completed. 15 minutes is enough time to do something! As a mother, I don't always have 5 hours of uninterrupted time so I need to let go of the huge house makeover I keep fantasizing (that's not the right word) about. If you add up 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 minutes, and most things just have to be done in parts because LIFE HAPPENS! On my way out the door today, I folded 5 towels before I ran down the stairs. It felt good because I at least started it!

3. Compromise Combo - Put on some nice music and or a funny movie that doesn't require full attention but something to keep the "I don't want to be doing this, I'd rather be napping on this bed than folding shit" chatter to a lull in your head. So make a deal with your task, - I will do you chore, but I need to have something nice in my ears.

4. Check in and Congratulate - small accomplishments are accomplishments too. A solitary self-high five is reasonable at this point. You did it, and you know what that's better than? Wearing unmatching socks. * Shudder

5. What's that shiny thing? If you find yourself distracted - allow a minute for that distraction to breath. Check your phone/fb or whatever, and then regroup. I always think that if I lose momentum I might as well quit. That is an old belief I need to throw out because it doesn't serve me. You can't always get it ALL done, so if you get some done - well friggen done!

6. Use a life line! - Phone a friend, or your mom and have a chat while you fold, get the headset out and keep your mouth and hands moving simultaneously! My friend always says "Call me if you need someone to keep you company while you clean!" I don't always want/need help, but company takes the tartness out of anything.

Really there are so many things we would rather do than laundry, but fresh clean clothes, cleanly wearing your favourite underwear multiple times in a week towels and sheets are a nice treat too. If you can find your reason - grab it and make it your driving force. For me, it's matching socks, fresh towels and soft sweaters!

Now that I have written this, I will get back to my mountain of laundry!
Happy folding!


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