Since I have been sick for three weeks and then the kidney stone episode I have been trying to rest more - as I have said. However, this "resting" period has led to a great deal of "depresting" which is resting that leads to feeling depressed. This time of year is hard for me (and many other Canadians) as we transition into the GREY season. Little to no sunlight, especially here in Kelowna. It's so hard because we have an overdose of sunlight in the summer months here in K-town and then BOOM we get cut off like we didn't pay the power bill. There's no other way to put it, it sucks. I try to run from it, but it's like a dog chasing me, it only gets more angry and bites me in the ass.
Many people refer to it as SAD, seasonal affective disorder. Some doctors actually prescribed anti-depressants through the winter months and then wean people off them when the sun starts to show it's face again. They did this with me all through high school all the way up to a few months before I got pregnant. There are so many other answers, but it does take preparation and will power.
For starters, gearing up and getting an exercise safety net regime in order PRIOR to "the big grey" is a big help. That way you are already in the routine (unless some freak super crazy cold kicks your ass and you get out of it in the most crucial time). Also I have a vitamin D light or "happy light" as they are called. Taking vitamins helps and eating good fats as well (rhodiola, vitamin D, 5-htp) - for me anyway. I have to say though, that exercise - outdoor exercise to be even more exact, is the most effective way to avoid sudden and certain winter death syndrome. Unfortunately, I have gotten out of my routine and it hit me hard today. I realized that I wanted to become a part of the couch. I felt depressed, hopelessness and just completely and utterly apathetic about everything. So tomorrow I am going to FORCE myself to at least walk, feeling sick or not. I have to or I will succumb to this damn seasonal undertaking. I might even go and get myself some tanning minutes - bottom line is that it helps. My life is too precious to feel like this even for an hour and I am going to do everything in my power to overcome it this year. So walking, hot yoga, snow shoeing, tubing, (maybe I'll even learn how to ski or snowboard?), happy lamp, healthy food, oranj dance and bootcamp classes, vitamins, regular adjustments with the best chiropractor alive - HERE I COME!
Grace, I understand the winter blues it is so true here in Kelowna we get more grey than others, however lets bundle up and go for a walk, do hot yoga etc. I too get the blues when we start losing the sun,but I turn to the exciting things like...snowball fights, tobogganing,walks on a crisp winter morning, drinking really good tea by the fire and well friends who love me no matter what. Keep writing and talking with those who care, life will always pick up and the sun will shine in your heart. Always remember your friends are here for you and whenever you feel those blues getting bigger, come over, drag us out or just pick up the phone....lean on those close to you for support and understanding. Cheers, you are doing wonderful and look fabulous. Your friend always Heather
ReplyDeleteI find the short days and lack of sunlight get me down too, but if the sun is shining I enjoy every minute while it is around. Another thing that helps is driving up above the clouds as often as possible over the winter. Silver Star is only a short drive, yet when the valley is shrouded in clouds it is usually a beautiful sunshiny day up there. I check the weather cams to see what it is like up there on the weekends, if it is sunny we drive up to see the sun :)
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great blog Grace. I only met you once but as a kindred mother of twins and someone that has always been very critical of myself, I can totally relate to so much of what you write. A few times I have sat here with tears streaming down my face as I read your words. I am very happy that my daughter has such a wonderful friend. I hope you enjoyed the sunshine today! Take it easy. Dianne (Heather E's Mom ;)
Hey Grace, You are not alone! After work it is dark out, so it was a good excuse for me to go and buy some new running gear with more reflectors :) I did my first run with snow on the ground this weekend. Winter is here but it is very refreshing to run with nice, crisp air instead of super high humidity and crazy hot weather.
ReplyDeleteTake Care