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"I'm gonna learn how to Fly High" - Fame

This is going to be off the beaten blog path. I have discovered so much about myself through this blog. About people. About our our thoughts, and feelings. How language affects our beliefs. Think a thought long enough and hard enough, and it becomes reality. I have heard this so many times but I am realizing how true it is. Even if the thought starts out as a joke. Your brain can't tell the difference between true and false, and neither can our hearts. If we tell ourselves something over and over again - because others find it funny and because it allows us to laugh at something we are scared of or insecure about, we believe it'll take the pain away. Aux contraire. It only makes that fear turn into reality.
I have had this belief that I'd "never be skinny". Whatever that means. Skinny comes in so many shapes and sizes. I took it so literally that even when I was "skinny" (for my body anyway) I still thought I wasn't. I was about to say "fat" but I don't think I thought I was fat, just not skinny. So, the more I thought this particular thought, the more it became true. At first I think I was fishing for validation, or even compliments. That I was in fact looking, better, than I was before. "LOOK AT ME! I DID IT" But who was I proving it to? Everyone else? Or myself? Did anyone really care?
It's like this with so many things, and I hear everyone around me saying these types of negative things about themselves ALL THE TIME. It can be a joke or it can even be as simple as "I would never be able to do that" or even when you say "Wow I can't believe you did that! It must be so hard, I wouldn't be able to handle it." Yes you could. It's true what "they" can do anything you set your mind to. But it's not quite that simple. "Setting your mind" takes unlearning so much of what we have been taught by all those around us who may have loved us but were scared themselves. I listen to myself now when someone tells me about a goal or a dream that seems so outlandish. You think you are being their friend, by telling them not to get their hopes up. "Oh, that's a really good idea BUT..." Lately I find myself not even telling anyone or saying out loud the things I want to do because I don't even want to hear all the things that might make it IMPOSSIBLE. You wouldn't believe how much we do it to each other. So I set out on a mission this week, to ask people what they really wanted - and when they told me, to look them straight in the eye and tell them they could have it, and that I would even help them - by helping them destroy every single thought-obstacle in the way. The biggest obstacle is the "belief" and from there the rest seems pretty dang easy. I can even catch myself now when an old thought pattern pops up - and I just say THANK YOU Old Thought, I don't need you I can let you go. They are pretty sneaky the old thought patterns, they show up in all kinds of wild rational disguises. They even try to get you to trust them this time, because they are right. I mean WHO have you seen do THAT? Pffft, it's a crazy idea, and no one (that I know anyway) has accomplished it, so why could I? I heard on a preview tonight for the movie "Fame" "if someone's going to make it out there why can't it be me?" and I thought - heck yes! It's GOING to be me.


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