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day 9, got some bangs

Hi there. Day 9 here. (No time to edit, just skip over spelling mistakes please!)
We got our juicer last night! And boy oh boy did we make some shitty ass juice! hahahha. Ew.
This morning we did much better with a less random selection.
Juicing is quite the process. It takes some time and it takes some chopping and it takes some cleaning. It also takes a lot more fruits n' veggies than blending does! But it really is delicious. I am loving the taste and how satisfied I feel afterwards. And I must say, adding an avocado really makes a nice smooth texture and taste!
(Juice comes out the bottom, pulp poops out the side!)

I have to remember that it did not take 9 days for my body to get to where it is and it will not take 9 days for it to work itself out! So far what I have noticed and how I am feeling is HUGE. I need to just be thankful for how fast my body reacts to healthy choices. It's simply amazing isn't it?
Thank you body for all you do. When I get that naggy voice grumbling about how hard this is and how the results should be equal to the level of difficulty (oh you know what I'm talking about) I have to shut'er down and remember 9 days ain't no thang! 9 days! And so I juice on.

After juicing last night I realized that my house is still (after some work) very cluttered. I actually started to feel like I need to simplify my life in a big way. I looked around and suddenly all the "stuff" was so loud and so suffocating. It's like, as I shed the need for the extra poundage, I also shed the need to surround myself with crap! It's crap, it's alllll crap (it's mostly crap). I felt wasteful too, like wow so much garbage guys!
Danny and I had a really awesome chat after a tall glass of grapefruit juice/carrot/pineapple (which we were buzzing from) about a 5 year plan to reduce our lives. We were both on the same page and I felt pretty jazzed up after about where we are headed. It's not the direction I thought my life would take at all. I thought I wanted a bigger house, a better car, more moola...more more more. When in reality I just want more freedom from all that, time with my kids and time to learn new things. I felt really connected to him and it felt delightful. We even got into some details on the best way to compost - and where we could get worms, and turning the front yard into a garden. I never thought that I would be able to garden, or that I was "that kind" of person. It's so weird/interesting to see the things that I have been lying to myself about all these years.
Who knew you could bond so strongly with someone you see every single day over 3 juiced grapefruits a carrot and half a pineapple? Mind.Blown.

So here I am, rounding the corner into day 10. I didn't really think I would make it this far. I mean, I hoped to but I wasn't so sure. I even looked up some awesome new slow cooker recipes today and didn't mind it a bit. I ate lunch with my Women in Business group and watched them devour lasagna etc and enjoyed my fruit cup and tea. Amazing.

I have certainly spent less money - in every area. No more specialty coffee that hurt my innerds, no more lunches out, no more dinners out, no more crazy grocery shops.

Oh yeah - and I trimmed my bangs all by myself!


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