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day 5 & 6

I had a really full weekend so I haven't had a chance to sit and post. This won't be a long one as it's 9:23 Sunday evening.

I am still juicing. I find things get hairy if I don't keep on top of the hunger and stay ahead of the game. When I forget to get something in my belly is the real danger zone.

Last night I was at a murder mystery party and there was FOOD food and more food.
Chicken wings.
I love chicken wings.
Instead I picked the vegetables out of the pasta salad and told everyone that if they didn't like it, we couldn't be friends anymore. Luckily I have understanding friends.

Today I had a little coffee (not really allowed) before a hike and I immmmmmmediately had pains in my tummy. I also noticed that it's what has been causing a terrible discomfort on the bottom end (let your imagination run wild here).
Coffee. Frig off.

Otherwise, not much new. A few people noticed that I looked different - little less puffy and thinner through the face. I am noticing some body stuff come up - even though I am not focusing on it or trying not to talk about it too much I am hoping that the weight will drop.
I will tell you that I am down 12 lbs. I started at 167 lbs and I am now at 155 lbs.

That's really all for now. Feeling a bit tired today but more from just personal stuff than anything else. Actually glad that I am juicing right now because I feel like I can handle everything being throw at me with some clarity and perspective.

With Love and Gratitude,

I was Belle (From Beauty and the Beast, I won best costume :)



  1. Beauty Belle costume ! Amazing how fast the coffee effective you ... It's an enjoyable drink with side effects that can hit the down side of fun ! You look amazing Grace :)

  2. Wow, so many results in 6 days!


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