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Wanna be happy? Look at this rock.

This post is more for me than you, but if you are reading this maybe it will inspire you to create your own happy-list!
The transition between Winter and Spring is a hard one, we are just so done with the grey dark, cold, wet weather and ready for the new.
So, because I am desperately trying to elevate my mood I started thinking about all the little things that make me happy.  I can't make any immediately changes to the things bringing me down currently, so instead I decided to sit and pause and just look around me for all the small things that bring a smile to my face - instantly.
So I will skip things that are obvious like friends, family, my children etc and get more specific.

I may not be Oprah, but here are a few of Grace's favourite things:

  • New socks - oooooh GOD new socks are the best.
  • Coconut green misto's teas with honey (any kinda of tea with honey really, warm water with honey will do even)
  • Comfortable bras - preferably with no wires. I don't care if my boobs pop outta my turtle necks anymore, my boobs need to just be where they wanna be. I just want them to be cradled nicely with no pain ANYWHERE. Enter the AH Bra. Check it out, it might not be "sexy" but comfy is the new sexy.
  • Quirky Movies - well any funny movie, but I get warm fuzzies from weird independent films
  • Hugs - long ones, and usually if someone is crying, there is just nothing better than getting a hug if you are crying or giving one to someone who is crying.
  • Couches - where all the comfy magic happens
  • Cozy blankets
  • Essential oils (clothing washed in essential oils that is warm should be tagged on to this)
  • Organic Apples - am I right? There is no comparison here, if you don't know what I mean - well, you're welcome
  • Kombucha (grape) - it's like healthy pop, that fizzy feeling combined with knowing your doing something good for your gut just puts me over the edge
  • Orgasm - everyone loves them, and the good news is that you don't need anyone else to have them! Hottest thing since toasting sliced bread :)
  • Candles - bliss ya right out
  • Laying on the floor - seems simple but just give it a go, makes you feel like a kid again. Why did we stop laying on the floor?
  • Cleaning my ears. You know we all like it.
  • Fake laughing - so obviously I love real laughing, but when you can't, you can fake laugh so ridiculously that it causes you to really laugh. Fake it till ya make it!
  • Leggings and huge socks - I don't know what it is about but tights and big bulging socks make my heart soar.
  • When people get words mixed up or wrong - I'm not making fun, it's just a beauty thing, for example; when I call my friends Megan and Jack - Mack and Jegan...epic.
  • Trip - Run, when you trip but catch yourself by running and then acting like you were really running...I'm laughing just imagining this.
  • Farts - always hilarious, better in settings when they are "inappropriate"
  • Scarves - all types but especially infinity scarves, a good scarf is like a good friend
  • When I catch myself sounding like my mother - makes me laugh every time
  • When my kids sound like me, or my mother - and I then I wonder "Where the hell did they hear that?" and then you realize....
  • Slapping people on the bum - not in an aggressive way but you know, when you see someone you know out somewhere and then you sneak up and smack their buns - best reaction every time.
  • Turning everything into a perverted joke. "That's what he/she said" was a serious turning point for me when I felt like the whole world just got me.
  • Awkward situations - there are no guidelines here
  • Moments that resonate so much that your eyes water - you aren't sad, you just "feel" so much that the ocean of your soul spills over via your eyes.
  • Tom ka gai soup - thai soup, I could eat it every single day, for at least 2 out of 3 meals.
  • Driving - short of long, I love me a good drive - sometimes alone, sometimes with other people, music and 21 questions what have you.
  • Swearing
  • That people seem to know that nothing weirds me out
Annnd last but not least:
Looking at our pics from Cabo and seeing the rock shaped like a penis....

This seems enough for now - feel free to add your own to my post on fb!

With love and gratitude,

Grace Karyn Edison


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