Lemons seeds, I just hate those slippery little suckers. I can't get them out of my juice! So I just use my teeth to strain the juice through eliminating the potential for the seed to enter my mouth.
I am doing well, better than I thought, I think? I made some juice today and it was much better, I think putting more lemon in makes it tastier. Organic lemons are yummier too.
I think everyone at work thinks I'm nuts though, because I was making my juice in the work kitchen and explaining to people why I was putting maple syrup in my water bottle...? The response is weird because it's usually not really a response at all. I say "I'm doing the master cleanse" and they just look at me.
My brain feels pretty good but my teeth feel fuzzy as hell! It's like there is a slime on them or something? I would rather have fuzzy teeth than a fuzzy head though.
I moves my desk to another spot and all the moving of things causes me to feel a little dizzy. Going to keep the physical activity to a minimum for now.
These are all just random thoughts.
I think that's about it for today!
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