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Showing posts from November, 2014

day 5 & 6

I had a really full weekend so I haven't had a chance to sit and post. This won't be a long one as it's 9:23 Sunday evening. I am still juicing. I find things get hairy if I don't keep on top of the hunger and stay ahead of the game. When I forget to get something in my belly is the real danger zone. Last night I was at a murder mystery party and there was FOOD food and more food. Chicken wings. I love chicken wings. Instead I picked the vegetables out of the pasta salad and told everyone that if they didn't like it, we couldn't be friends anymore. Luckily I have understanding friends. Today I had a little coffee (not really allowed) before a hike and I immmmmmmediately had pains in my tummy. I also noticed that it's what has been causing a terrible discomfort on the bottom end (let your imagination run wild here). Coffee. Frig off. Otherwise, not much new. A few people noticed that I looked different - little less puffy and thinner through the f...

Day 4, one day past 3

Day 4 Yes, that's right I have officially made it through the first 3 days. The days everyone tells you will be the hardest. Well I guess we'll see! I don't really know how to describe what I am feeling and so I ask that you bear with me on this, and try to understand that I am giving you my own experience in my own words and that I am not exaggerating to the best of my knowledge. I feel extra alive. Sounds a bit cheesy or something I guess. I just feel like I am extra awake or alert to all things happening both inside and outside my body. I a feel heightened state of senses. I am feeling stronger empathy for sure and I would say much more present to what's going on in each moment. Last night I had something happen that got me a little worked up and I was able to sit with it and watch it and hold compassion for it - and I don't mean fake compassion, I mean like legit compassion. It was new, let's just go with that. Totally new. I realized this morning tha...

Day 3...only

I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION!! Wow, all these feeeeeeeeelings. This morning on the way to school Lilly, Oliver and I rapped about how they always lose their gloves and it drives me nuts and within two seconds I was crying along to Lykke Li's new album whilst thinking about something profound my dad once said to me. If your head is spinning from just reading that sentence imagine experiencing that much emotion within a 2 minute time frame! Intense...but also, really awesome. The emotion seems to be pretty authentic and clear. I can tell when I am sincerely feeling one emotion vs another whereas before I think I would get them confused (as I mentioned before about the anxiety really being bundled up excitement). Writing is helping me to see all of the changes, no matter how subtle that I may have otherwise missed. It's great motivation for me, and I appreciate you writing to me and encouraging as well. It takes a village... So this is the beginning of day 3 and it was...

day 2

So if you are just joining me - I am on day 2 of my juice cleanse. Minor editing is being done so don't judge grammatical or spelling errors. Day 1 continued: Last night at around 9 pm I somehow convinced Danny to watch "Hungry For Change" with me. It was HEAVY> Like whoa. I HIGHLY recommend watching this if you want to make a change in your life and you are finding it difficult. I also recommend it if you have a partner who doesn't really feel motivated to make change. (Danny's mind was blown, and he told me to order THE BEST juicer I could find first thing in the morning.) It pretty much blows the lid off the food industry (or every industry for that matter) breaking down WHY YOU EAT WHAT YOU EAT, or why you want to and how they manufacture food to stay on the shelves a long time to make more profit - not for health. Your health is not on the list of priorities, in fact your lack of health IS on that list...but that's a topic perhaps for another day! ...

End of Day 1

End of Day 1 (or almost) *I'm not going to spend a lot of time editing this  - I'm going to keep it all as raw as I can so you can share in what's happening throughout this with me. I am FREEZING. I was cold all day, cold to the bone. I find that this happens anytime I try to cleanse. No headache though, so that's good news. I made it through without any caffeine! Wouldya look at that! I had some herbal detox tea, and some really nice roiboos this evening. Luckily Danny went out to eat so I didn't have to smell cooking, so that helped a lot. I opened the fridge to grab my bag to juice and saw all kinds of meat and cheese and started to salivate. Some stuff that comes up for me would be mostly emotional and boredom. My mind has a hard time staying still and I search for something to put in my mouth. I find that I really have to watch these thoughts. I definitely considered a piece of seaweed in all it's salty goodness. I watched the thoughts "s...

Why the frig am I cleansing?

Day 1 Juice cleanse. I woke up with a huge amount of anxiety this morning. I don't mean I woke up and thought some things and then had anxiety, I mean I woke up to anxiety starting me in the face. This happens almost everyday, and I'm sick of it. I am hoping that I can eliminate the morning anxiety, along with the brain fog, general depression and apathy, fatigue (like so tired I find it a bother to turn the steering wheel sometimes) oh yeah and then there's the weight gain. I've put on 20 lbs since March of last year. It might be because I lost my dad, it might be because I generally move through these cycles from 175 lbs down to 145 lbs, repeat. Keep in mind that I am 5'3 and that this is MY body experience - so maybe this isn't much to some, or lots of others but either way I can tell that my body isn't functioning like it could be and I feel that it's my responsibility as it's "owner" to rectify that. So here we go. Now, I don...