Prologue: I'm about to turn 30. My 29th year has by far been the hardest most intense year of my life. I was told by a lady very close to my family who does very accurate and insightful astrology readings that this past year was going to be an exam of my life. Exam is an understatement. I have been waiting for this day since I turned 10. When I was 10 I thought I had the world figured out, I soon realized I would have to be 30 before anyone believed me. I mean, you have to have the experience to go with that knowledge - you can't just know stuff, you have to have lived through some struggle and turmoil right? I'm talkin' bout the knowledge we are born with, that knowledge where we know we are pure positive beings who have come here to experience all the joys in life. We have the inner confidence that we are whole just how we are, we know how to live out loud and just BE... but somehow it gets stripped from us because we are "just kids" - we get turned down...