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Showing posts from January, 2013

And from the ashes...

Prologue: I'm about to turn 30. My 29th year has by far been the hardest most intense year of my life. I was told by a lady very close to my family who does very accurate and insightful astrology readings that this past year was going to be an exam of my life. Exam is an understatement. I have been waiting for this day since I turned 10. When I was 10 I thought I had the world figured out, I soon realized I would have to be 30 before anyone believed me. I mean, you have to have the experience to go with that knowledge - you can't just know stuff, you have to have lived through some struggle and turmoil right? I'm talkin' bout the knowledge we are born with, that knowledge where we know we are pure positive beings who have come here to experience all the joys in life. We have the inner confidence that we are whole just how we are, we know how to live out loud and just BE... but somehow it gets stripped from us because we are "just kids" - we get turned down

What do She-Ra and my Period have in common?

Part I: I am sitting here crying for no reason. Well...let me define "no reason". There is no apparent reason but I am sure there are infinite possibilities of reasons. I was wiping away the tears with vast exasperation when I heard a voice in my head say "Come on, pull yourself together!" and suddenly I found myself saying aloud in an effort to take a stand "NO!". (As I get older I talk to myself). Why should I have to? In my almost 30 years of experience, crying always had something to tell me, if I can shut up long enough to listen. When I think about it, I'm probably PMS'ing. At first I was mad about it I thought "Oh shit here we go..." but no, now I realize I want to try something new. I want to try and honour this, maybe it's important to see the feelings for what they are and not hide behind them. I am sure that PMS can show us strong but important emotions if we can find a safe place to cradle and then release them.

Yoink! Flushed to crushed.

Life doesn't have a pause button. So I'm just going to hit my own imaginary internal one for a moment. PAUSE. Let's go back a few hours. Earlier today some unfortunate financial events took place that caused me to have to cancel my 30th birthday present - my trip to Costa Rica for a yoga retreat. I wanted to go more than a n y t h i n g . It took everything in me to write to my lovely yoga mentor Laura Martini, and tell her I was no longer able to keep my commitment to going. It physically hurt me. I was shaking and crying when I sat down to write it. Side note: I realize that this is such a vulnerable post because no one ever broadcasts their financial woes. I am just going to bust the myth that even as a Financial advisor, I have them. There are many things that can happen that we don't foresee. I honestly thought I was well prepared, and as a matter of fact I was prepared for an unforeseen event...but not two. Feelings of  devastation  started to surfac

Cheek Chewers Anonymous

Hi my name is Grace, and I chew my cheeks. Actually, I chew my cheeks, my lips and the sides of my tongue. You may be and most likely are, grossed out by this. That's fine I'm ok with it. There are two kinds of people in the world - the ones who chew and the ones who are totally disgusted by the chewers. I was asking a friend of mine about it yesterday and she totally knew what I was talking about. As we got sharing she said "This sounds like a cheek chewers anonymous meeting'". And so I find myself writing this post. I have been asking around and as it turns out, I am not as alone as I once thought. Honestly, I have been pretty ashamed of this disgusting habit and Danny's suggested mantra "My mouth is not a snack. I chew food with my mouth but I don't chew my mouth." has not proven to be helpful. Sure we laugh and I roll my eyes, and we're all like "ewww gross" but inside I cringe and cry a little. Adding humour to things kin

I was SURE I wasn't being an idiot...

Amazing things happen when you make pants. Who would have thought? I mean most first time creative project are  challenging and normally I get super frustrated and smash things throw my projects in a heap. One time I tried making a sweater for my lovey Ashley and it got jammed in the sewing machine so I just folded it back into the table where it resided and pretended like nothing ever happened. Danny found it two years later, jammed and discarded just the way I had left it. Once he finished telling me how unsurprised he was with his find, he unjammed it and then asked if it was ok if he gave the table-sewing-machine away. Obviously. My mother-in-love (Danny's Mom) is a woman of many trades. That lady can make A N Y T H I N G. I suppose I never really took note of it before. Well I mean I "knew" but I didn't really "know". I knew that she could make "stuff" because she is always giving us awesome homemade things. What I didn't know was ac