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What your BRAIN looks like on positive thoughts.

CROSSFIT is AWESOME! Ok now that I've gotten that out I want to just say that I went shopping and bought some nice clothes that FIT and make me feel great. We always say "I don't want to go shopping until I lose weight" but how long should we really go wearing pants that create muffin top-ville? How long should we be mean to ourselves like that? No matter what, you deserve to look nice! So I did it - I took the leap! It felt great, because I can't wait anymore for 30 lbs to drop all the while wearing outfits that people shouldn't even be buried in. Now I'm not yelling at my pants or ripping my underwear off like the hulk because I'm so mad they don't fit. It doesn't mean that I've given in, and that I'm not motivated to lose weight just because I bought some clothes that fit. It's not a reward for stuffing my face - it's just a gentle approach to a delicate situation. If I keep feeling bad about my body I seriously don't think it can get better. I know it can't.
Last night my chiropractor aka "The Best Health Care professional know to man-kind", talked about the RAS (reticular activating system).
They have done studies on the effects of what we repeat to ourselves eventually becomes reality because our brain believes what it's hearing and makes it so. Call it what you feel comfortable with, prayer (God), law of attraction or plain old science the proof is in the pudding people. You have to tell yourself you look good, feel good, are healthy, are fit etc. Once you believe it to be true - even if it's a lie at first - you will eventually live it! I have done this with my business, my relationship, and now my physical health and fitness. So I have lived it, I know it is so.
Go buy yourself something you feel good in, even if the budget is tight - Value Village is perfect. Ask for a GC for Christmas and go shopping for yourself! After you have told your brain's RAS how much money you have and will have, you can start looking in the mirror and saying
"WOW, you look amazing!"

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe - it can achieve" Napolean Hill (author of Think and Grow Rich published in 1937)


  1. Hear hear! Positive thoughts all the way :) You are what you eat - and really, what you think is your reality.
    Love your blog as always lovey.


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