Today has been hard. hard. Over the past few weeks we have come to the decision to change the kids schools. They have been going to French immersion and it's not "gone well". There are many reasons for this, some of which I take responsibility for and other aspects I do hold some anger and resentment towards - but I'm working on that. It's so hard for me, when I realize that something isn't working. I have a few emotions that surface. I typically get mad and want to flee - fuck this! type of reaction. But then usually, I can talk myself down and start to put some energy and focus into figuring out what is not working and why . (I also feel that at this point in my life, I work at taking responsibility as best I can - this is a work in progress of course.) There is a big part of me that doesn't like to quit , or give up on stuff. There's an old belief there that "quitting is for quitters" - and that that's a BAD thing. ...