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Showing posts from December, 2015

Stop Shaming Me: The Holidays, Food and Depression

Oh hi, hello there. With the holidays coming up I thought maybe this would be a good rant  post for those of you with specific dietary requirements, restrictions and just overall needs. I know I have some anxiety coming up - so let's address it right here right now. I know what it's like to be that "guy" who can't eat anything at parties. A couple months ago I finally 100% established that my depression is an inflammatory response . Which means (in a nutshell) that the affects of inflammation in my body cause a change in the chemistry of my brain (and vagus nerve) leading to fatigue, and deep states of depression. I hit a very scary low back in early September where I started having thoughts that almost lead me to check myself into the hospital. Thoughts that felt normal to me (because they've been there so long) and yet, seemed to be much too serious to be something I was comfortable with. I feared for my own safety - from my own self. How messed up...