If the vagina ain't happy ain't nobody happy. Yeah that’s what I said...in a sing song voice - kinda like Bobby McFarrin when he sang “Don’t worry be Happy”, which I sing to my vagina - No, no I don't. I wrote at the end of my post 'What She-Ra and My Period Have in Common' that it was to be continued, so here it goes.... I am sure you are not shocked by much that I write/say at this point but I have been thinking a lot lately about sharing my 'happy vagina monologues'. I think vaginas are the neatest and I have mad love for such a miraculous body part so I've been compiling a list of all the elements of a happy creative crevasse I have come to realize that we don’t typically (and of course there is exception) know how to make conscious decisions to take care of our Yoni’s . Warning: This post may take you a while to read. There are a few links that I highly recommend, and hope you will share and spread the word on. That being said, I know th...