I posted a picture strung with a Maya Angelou quote today that read "If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be." So simple right? Errrr, not really. The reason this really spoke to me is multifaceted. In my opinion (which I think is a little redundant to say since this whole blog is just that) the word normal is one of the worst words in the human language (I'm willing to bet it's not even in some of the older languages). When I read it or hear it I try to swallow it but it's like I have just drank some scotch - I stiffen up and then pucker and feel like a flame is coming from my insides. Man that word burns. Normal (insert shudder). What the fuck is normal?!? So here's the definition: normal 1. Conforming to or consisting of a pattern, process, or standard regarded as usual or typical; regular; natural. Synonyms include: average, ordinary, expected; conformable; conforming, consistent; par, conventional; ...